Is world based on Justice?

While making an attempt to address the universal problems that are listed in the previous section, we come across a fundamental question: Is this world based on Justice? Will the Truth always prevail? After a little rational thinking, we could conclude that it is desirable to have Justice and Truth in this world. Some people think that justice and truth will not prevail automatically. Man has to be vigilant and create an environment to ensure Justice and Truth.

We observe that the world is very complex and structured. There is a lot of cooperation and coordination in this world. Among living beings and between living beings themselves and with the nature. There appears to be order of some kind. We see that truth and justice are not completely absent.

If there is a natural law that Justice is ensured, it is comforting. Because, any deviation from Justice is not sustainable and therefore, we, as individuals, are assured of Justice. Even if there is no such law and if we are striving to ensure justice on our own, it means that we have predisposition towards Justice. It must be an inbuilt thing and is natural.

Observation: Natural justice is a desirable. But there are people who argue that justice is not guaranteed in this world.

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