Every man in this universe is faced with certain common problems. These problems fall mainly under three categories. The first one is philosophical problems about the existence, creation and so on as well as problems related to morality and conduct. The second set of problems is about maintaining peace and order in the society for leading a decent life. These problems are associated with creation and maintaining social systems in order to sustain a harmonious system. Lastly, the personal problems revolving around food, shelter and clothing - achieving the desirable things and avoiding undesirable things. It is not easy to find the correct principles that help in resolution of conflicts and dilemmas. It is not easy to assign the relative weightages or priorities to the values.
Sometimes, the same person may not be interested in addressing all the problems. Some one may not be interested in philosophical problems. Some may not be interested in the social problems. Even if some one is interested in all the three sets of problems, he may not realize that these problems are interconnected. Man has to address all these problems satisfactorily to lead a good life. An adhoc or unscientific approach towards evolving a solution may not be sufficient. In the past, there must have been some attempts in this direction. It is worth making an effort to find out the best one or to create one if it is not already there.
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