There are three types of Karmas - Sanchita, Prarabda and Agami. The past karma of an individual consists of prãrabdha karma and sañchita karma. Prãrabdha karma is the part of one's past karma which is to bear fruit in the present life of the individual. Sañchita karma is accumulated karma of the previous births which is to bear fruit in the future. The Karmas that will be accumulated in the present life. Prãrabdha karma determines one's parents, the family and the country in which a child must be born, the general features of the physical body that the child will eventually develop, and the social and religious environment in which the child must grow. It is also responsible for the samskãras (natural habits and tendencies) inherent in the child. Agami is the future karma.
There are three defects (Doshas) associated with the Jiva. Mala Dosha because of the Sanchita Karma. Vikshepa Dosha because of the inability of Jiva to concentrate to move forward in the direction of progress. Avarana Dosha because of the bondage and delution. Satkarma helps in training the Jiva in overcoming the Mala Dosha. Upasana helps in removing the Vikshepa Dosha. And Avarana Dosha is removed by Jnana.
Observation: Sufficient linkages between Dharma and our activities.
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