
It is not easy for an individual to identify what is the most appropriate course while adhering to the Dharma. Everyone needs guidance. And fortunately, every one gets guidance from an eligible person or authority, Guru. Parents play the role of Guru for Children in the early life. Husband is the Guru for the wife. The seeker searches for a Guru and a Guru searches for an eligible disciple. It is sufficient if the ability of the seeker matches with the qualifications of the Guru. The seeker, depending on his ability, finds a Guru. After interacting with the Guru, the seeker becomes more eligible and finds more competent Guru to guide him further. The relationship between Guru-disciple is special and unique. Many of the confusions revolving around Dharmic life could be resolved if the dynamics of the Guru – Shishya relationship is understood and practiced.

The goal of life could be reached in many ways. Each individual will be guided specifically by the Guru. The following is a brief description of the available routes.

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